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Town of Conesus Justice Court


Town Hall, 6210 South Livonia Rd. (Route 15)
PO Box 188
Conesus, NY 14435
(585) 346-3130 x3

Hours of Operation:

Court Nights:
Court is held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month beginning at 03:00 PM

District Attorney Night:
2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month

*The Court Schedule is subject to change – Please verify your Court date through the documentation you have received from the pertinent Law Enforcement Agency or the Conesus Court.

Court Clerk Hours:
Monday: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Wednesday: 2:00 – 4:00 (Closed on Court Nights)
Thursday & Friday: By Appointment Only

Important Links:


Court Calendar
NYS Unified Court System (for Do-It-Yourself Forms and Information)
NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services
The Division of Criminal Justice Services is a multi-function criminal justice support agency with a variety of responsibilities, including collection and analysis of statewide crime data; operation of the DNA databank and criminal fingerprint files; administration of federal and state criminal justice funds; support of criminal justice-related agencies across the state; and administration of the state’s Sex Offender Registry that allows anyone to research the status of an offender.
Department of Motor Vehicles
Information on tickets, the point system, suspended license, driver responsibility program and more.
A Guide to New York Small Claim Court provided by Tenant Net
General information on the Small Claim Court
Frequently Asked Questions regarding Town and Village Courts from NYS



Learn About Your Court System

Where Can I Find the Court Calendar?

What method of payment does Conesus Justice Court accept for fines?

Is there a fee for filing small claims?

How do I file Small Claims?

What if I can not read my ticket as to date or court?

What if I disagree with the charges on the ticket?

How do I know if I need an attorney?

Can I reschedule the time and date of my appearance if I am working or out of town?

What if I miss my court date?

I just want to mail in the ticket and pay the fine. What is the process?

What if I wish to plead not guilty?

What type of payments are acceptable?

Why do I have to pay a surcharge?

Who do I call for information on my court date or other concerns.

What are the business hours on court days?

More FAQs