Subdivision Application
Approximate Time from Application to Issue:
2-3 Months
6210 South Livonia Rd.
PO Box 188
Conesus, NY 14435
Phone: (585) 335-2689
Fax: (585)346-3650
These forms are fillable but you can not save data to them, please print them after you have completed them and return to:
Planning Board Secretary
PO Box 188
Conesus, NY 14435
Please follow instructions on the checklist and return with your completed application.
Complete page 1 of Subdivision application, page 2 is for Planning Board use.
Complete page 1 of SEQR (short form) page 2 is for Planning Board use.
If returning by email:
If returning by mail:
Town of Conesus
Attention: Planning Board Secretary
PO Box 188
Conesus, NY 14435
If returning in person:
6210 South Livonia Rd.
Conesus, NY 14435